A vivid imagination compels the body to obey it, for it is a natural principle of movement. - Aristotle.

It's all in our subconscious!

Hypnosis has a history spanning thousands of years. Traces of hypnosis can be found as far back as over 5,000 years ago in Egyptian, Chinese, and other cultural rituals and practices. Hypnosis is one of the oldest forms of psychotherapy in the Western world (hypnosis for anesthesia has been used since the 1830s), and it may also be the most misunderstood. Although long associated with charlatans or performers, all true hypnosis is, by definition, self-hypnosis. In spite of the prevailing myth, nobody can be hypnotized against his or her will.


The American Medical Association approved hypnosis as a therapy in 1958, and the American Psychiatric Association followed in 1961. Since then, reviews have provided evidence about when this therapy is effective.

Science has discovered that everything about our human condition is stored in the subconscious mind.  The only way to modify or change our behavior is by changing the belief system in our subconscious during the trance or Theta state.  This is similar to reprogramming a computer or re-edit a film. We can’t change an event that already happened but we can change the emotions or feelings that attached to the event. 

Guided meditation, affirmation, positive thinking, vision board, and setting intention are all forms of self-hypnosis because the willingness is the key factor


The subconscious does not recognize time. The Subconscious comprehends all time as NOW. Emotions and Trauma affect your perception of time, and you can get stuck in a memory that hurt you. 

Hypnotherapy is known to be an effective healing technique to enable you to totally relax your body and mind that builds a bridge from the conscious mind to the subconscious mind in order to explore the source of emotional, mental, and physical issues. The most important role of a person undergoing hypnosis is to: completely relax, trust the hypnotist, and be willing to accept guidance and change. The answers lie within your subconscious mind and body; the hypnotist is simply there to help you uncover and see those answers.

By change the emotions attached to an event thereby free yourself from being stuck in that event for your entire life.

You are always in control!

  • Improving Sleep

  • Reducing Stress, Depression, Panic Attacks, Anxiety, and Phobias

  • Pain Control and Other Health Problems

  • Weight Reduction and Quit Smoking

  • Habit Control and Overcome Addictions

  • Increase Self-Esteem and Motivation

  • Enhance Creativity, Improving Athletic Performance, and Learning Experiences










  • 改善睡眠

  • 減輕壓力、憂鬱、驚恐發作、焦慮及恐懼症

  • 控制疼痛及其他健康問題

  • 減重及戒菸

  • 控制習慣及克服成癮

  • 提升自尊及動力

  • 增強創造力、提升運動表現及學習體驗


I am a Certified Hypnotherapist with

Palo Alto School of Hypnotherapy.


REQUIRED NOTICE: AS THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA HAS NOT ADOPTED ANY EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING STANDARDS FOR THE PRACTICE OF HYPNOTHERAPY, THIS STATEMENT OF CREDENTIALS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Hypnotherapy is a self-regulating profession and the State of California does not license its practitioners. I am not a physician or a licensed health care provider and may not provide a medical diagnosis nor recommend discontinuance of medically prescribed treatments. If a client desires a diagnosis or any other type of treatment from a different practitioner, the client may seek such services at any time. In the event a client terminates my services, the client has a right to coordinated transfer of services to another practitioner. A client has the right to refuse hypnotism services at any time. A client has a right to be free of physical, verbal, or sexual abuse. A client has a right to know the expected duration of sessions, and may assert any right without retaliation.

I am a school counselor.  I was curious about Hypnotherapy, wondering the differences between hypnotherapy and counseling, and how deep can it take me.  After a few sessions, I realized that it can take me to the deepest part of my heart (or my subconscious) if you are ready to be open and willing.  I still remembered the feeling of the calmness and peacefulness, all the imageries went through my head that are so real that I don’t even know existed, even long after the sessions were over.

Through hypnotherapy, it helps me to get into the relaxation state more easily. I had 4 sessions with Sabrina, and it really helps me moving forward, truly looking into myself, and the life I want.  I highly recommend it because it’s very beneficial.
— Sherry Y.